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Older Projects

BMSI Human Resources System

A personnel management system for assisting with leave, vacation, and other benefit plans. It is designed to work with the BMSI Payroll System, and can handle complex types of accrual. A step and track table allows this system to be used by school districts, as well as municipalities or police departments.

BMSI Voter Checklist System

An election checklist management system that allows towns to maintain their list of voters.

Communications Committee home pageWebsite: Communications Committee


This website was established for the Hanover School Board Communications Committee in 2008. It was as an experiment to see how a typical blog could help manage a public committee.

Blog posts were used for agendas and minutes, and menu items were used for resources and reference materials.

Town of Plymouth, NH – Master Plan

A web site designed to encourage greater public participation in the design of the Master Plan for the Town of Plymouth, NH. The web site includes a list of documents for review, in PDF and HTML format, and an online forum for public comments.